Project hosting

Some statistics from our project hosting site

Number of Users and Projects

We've collected some data that will give a general idea of the usage of our code site.

Get started with your software and our project site

New project link on

The SoundSoftware project provides a software project hosting site for use by UK audio and music researchers. Here's a simple 5-step guide to getting your software on the site and starting to manage it in a more sustainable way.

Version control: What system should I use?

A version control system remembers the history of changes to your files, so you can review what you have changed and when; and it helps you to share your changes and work with colleagues more easily. Here we talk about which version control system or service to use.

New code site features: Instant repository downloads, project tagging

Download link for repository

Some very handy new features in the SoundSoftware code repository site.

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