Some statistics from our project hosting site
Our project hosting site ( was launched in December 2010. It has been a central part of our project since, mostly because it provides researchers with the tools they need to host software projects online, manage them using a version control system, and collaborate with fellow researchers from different institutions. We've collected some stats that hopefully will give a general idea of the usage (and evolution) of the code site.
At this moment we have a total of 234 projects, of which:
- 137 (59%) are top-level projects, the other 97 (41%) are sub projects
- 102 projects (44%) and 55 top-level projects (40%) are public
The site is targeted at researchers from UK institutions, and therefore we've mostly been promoting it to UK research groups as part of our outreach activities. Since the initial tests of the site have been carried out at Queen Mary, University of London's Centre for Digital Music, most of users come from this group. At the moment we have 131 users, of whom:
- 90 (69%) are from Queen Mary
- the rest come from 13 other UK universities and 15 other institutions worldwide
Number of Users and Projects
It is important to underline that 73% of the users are members of at least one project. In terms of average number of members per project, we can see that:
- 1.97 members per project (462 memberships overall / 234 projects)
- 1.80 members per public project (184 memberships of public projects / 102 projects)
- 2.10 members per private project (278 memberships of private projects / 132 projects)
Tags are one recent feature in the site. This means that most "old" projects are still not tagged. Only around 57 public projects (56%) and 13 private ones are tagged. There are 96 distinct tags are in use for projects with a mean of 2.8 tags per tagged project.
The top-10 tags (across both public and private projects) are as follows:
Tag | Projects |
prolog | 23 | c++ | 20 |
gpl | 11 |
stable | 11 |
lisp | 10 |
vamp | 9 |
windows | 8 |
linux | 7 |
qt | 7 |
osx | 7 |
These still do not reflect the reality of the site, so please, if you're a user and have untagged projects, please tag them!